The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the significant impact of transport systems on health and provides normative guidance and technical support to Member States to promote healthy transport. As a contribution to this response, The WHO Urban Health Initiative has rolled out activities in Accra, Ghana to support urban leaders to make best use of health evidence and competencies to assess the environmental, health and economic benefits of actions to improve urban environments, with a focus on air pollution.
The report “Health and economic impacts of transport interventions in Accra, Ghana”, aimed at professionals and practitioners interested on transport and health, comprehensively assesses transport scenarios for the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), informed by the local policy landscape. Mitigation scenarios comparing the effects of different interventions on land use, transport mode, energy efficiency and demand showed that investing in walking, cycling and clean public transport can substantially improve urban air quality and climate emissions as well as promote physical activity, contributing to significant health and economic gains, reducing the mortality risk across the population of GAMA.
Developed with the active contribution of many sectors and stakeholders, this report is also a milestone for the Urban Health Initiative, showcasing what can be achieved through multisectoral collaboration to improve the knowledge base and create the demand for action towards healthier sustainable transport.