The book navigates through the intersection of mobile technology and healthcare, demonstrating how continuous health data collection through smartphones is enabling a transition from reactive to proactive health management. Through a carefully structured approach, the book first delves into the technical evolution of smartphone health sensors, including heart rate monitors and sleep tracking systems. It then examines the scientific validity of these technologies, comparing them to traditional medical devices and exploring their real-world applications.
Drawing from a decade of medical research and technological developments between 2010-2023, the book presents compelling evidence of how mobile health applications have positively influenced health outcomes across diverse populations. What sets this book apart is its comprehensive yet accessible analysis of both technical and medical aspects of digital health monitoring. It addresses practical concerns such as data security and accuracy limitations while providing actionable guidance for readers.
Whether you're a healthcare professional seeking to understand digital health tools or an individual interested in optimizing personal wellness through technology, the book offers valuable insights into evaluating health apps, interpreting personal health data, and effectively integrating these powerful tools into daily healthcare routines.