
Ā· HarperCollins UK
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ā€˜Devastating and wickedly funny ... I loved itā€™ Sophie Mackintoshā€™
ā€˜A dark star of a bookā€™ Lauren Groff
ā€˜I loved its every pageā€™ Sheila Heti

Itā€™s 1985 in The Territory and it always will be.

Itā€™s so cold you canā€™t feel your feet and from here the outside world is just a dream, but two humans and one animal will show us the way. Theyā€™re each searching for someone, a woman who washed up on the shores of this far-flung town and then disappeared. To find her they will have to look deep into the darkness that lies at the edge of love.

Heartbreaker is an astounding feat of imagination with its own riotous rhythm and the resounding message that humanity can be found in the wildest of places.


CLAUDIA DEY is the author of the novel Stunt, a Globe & Mail and Quill & Quire Book of the Year. Her plays have been produced internationally and nominated for the Governor Generalā€™s and Trillium Book Awards. Deyā€™s writing has appeared in many publications including The Believer and The Paris Review. Dey has also worked as a horror film actress and cook in lumber camps across northern Canada, and is co-designer of Horses Atelier. She lives in Toronto. Heartbreaker is her UK debut.

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