In the sizzling backdrop of Las Vegas, Finn McCormick, a man who seemingly has it all, is unexpectedly reunited with a woman who once captured his heart. Macey Webster, a former high school fling, finds herself down on her luck, losing big in the glimmering casinos of Sin City. Dressed as a stripper, Macey's beauty still shines through, drawing Finn's attention and stirring a cocktail of desire, pity, and compassion.
Intoxicated by a potent blend of lust and empathy, Finn makes an impulsive offer to pay off Macey's debts in exchange for her companionship around town and unrestricted passion in the bedroom. Macey, driven by the need to support her young daughter, reluctantly accepts Finn's proposition, despite harboring unresolved feelings from their past.
As the line between business and pleasure blurs, Macey discovers newfound enjoyment in Finn's company, revealing her soul along with her body in a captivating romance that will leave you breathless, yearning for more.
Heidi McLaughlin is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of The Beaumont Series, The Boys of Summer, and The Archers.
Originally, from the Pacific Northwest, she now lives in picturesque Vermont, with her husband, two daughters, and their three dogs.
In 2012, Heidi turned her passion for reading into a full-fledged literary career, writing over twenty novels, including the acclaimed Forever My Girl.
Heidi’s first novel, Forever My Girl, has been adapted into a motion picture with LD Entertainment and Roadside Attractions, starring Alex Roe and Jessica Rothe, and opened in theaters on January 19, 2018.