Neither the Indian nor the Buddhist system can be understood without a key, nor can the study of comparative religion become a “science” until the symbols of every Religion yield their final secrets.
The “Eye Doctrine” means dogma and dead-letter form, church ritualism intended for those who are content with exoteric formulæ. The “Heart Doctrine,” or the “Heart’s Seal” is the only real one. The essential difference between the “Eye” and the “Heart,” or the outward form and the hidden meaning, i.e., Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom, is clearly demonstrated in several volumes on Chinese Buddhism, written by sundry missionaries.
It is useless to enumerate an endless string of the finest Oriental scholars who are credited with having exposed to view the ancient Hindu world, by revealing the sacred and secret books of Buddhism. But the world they revealed has never been veiled. Is it those who belong to the most anthropomorphic religion in the world, who have a right to take ancient Philosophers to task for an exaggerated religious awe and veneration?
The pseudo-Buddhism of Joseph Edkins is unmasked. We fear the learned writer is on a false track as to Nirvana and Amita-Buddha. When the misuse of dogmatic Buddhist Scriptures had reached its climax, and the true spirit of the Buddha’s Philosophy was nearly lost, several reformers appeared from India, who established an oral teaching.
Lord Buddha states that it is better to believe in a future life, in which happiness or misery can be felt: for, if the heart believes therein, it will abandon sin and act virtuously; and, even if there is no rebirth, a good life will bring a good name, and the reward of men. But those who believe in extinction at death will not fail to commit any sin that they may choose because of their disbelief in a bright and glorious future.
Why has Truth to hide like a tortoise within its shell? Because no one can be entrusted with the knowledge of the Secret Science before his time.