The matter composing the objects we see and touch, continually returns to its pre-primordial condition of purity and light, which no mortal eye can see or bear its radiance.
The man of clay was the first human being to appear on earth, the animal kingdoms coming after him. Animals were “created” much later than Adam, and brought to him to be named. Their bodies have been formed out of the cast off atoms of human life-waves that preceded ours.
The constitution of man is seven-fold: his Immortal Higher Triad (Divine Self or Spiritual Soul) is his True Individuality; his Lower Tetrad, overshadowed by the Divine Self, is the false individuality (I-ness or “personality”) or soul of the man of clay who, being of the earth earthly, his animal soul and body are perishable — though his molecules are thrown off for the benefit of lower kingdoms.
Nirvana is an actionless yet impersonal subjective state, rooted in non-being, and a refuge against rebirth — but the nirvanee can no longer return to earth, should he change his mind. Nirvana is illusion for it does not exist for us.
The immortality of Spirit is inculcated on the neophyte by the Hierophant, and realised during Initiation.
At the solemn moment of death, no man can fail to see himself under his true colours, and no self-deception is of use to him any longer. Even when drowning, man follows with his mind’s eye the whole of his life marshalling past, with all its events (causes and effects) to the minutest detail, and sees himself as he truly is, in all his moral nakedness, unadorned by either human flattery or self-adulation.