Brigham Harden
Miracles are from the creator and the creator stepped into his creation that is what animates our existence and regulates our dormant hours of sleep where none can pinpoint the moment they slip into a sleep state or a waking one unless its an alarm set to train humans when to go to work and when to return from his secular vocations on this level which is limited physically and those taboos the religious mainstream does not include for most parishoners and they are taught a specific idealism in partial truth filled with much misinterpreted brainwashing as a direct agenda to guilt the mans inner thoughts and here the mind becomes also limited when its not. In fact the imagination is capable of infinite creativity no boundaries at all and it mirrors Gods power and wisdom so we co-create from imagination which is God himself as us experiencing, man is the only ark of God, the flesh is the cloak worn dipped in blood. Hidden teachings kept secret due to persecution, no two ways about it.