1. The Beacon-Light of occult truth is Nature without the illusory veil of the senses. She is the Rainbow of Hope and our only hope.
2. True wisdom, being a projection of our perceptive consciousness, acts within without, and not vice versa, awakening the spiritual senses in us and the power to act. Brain power and logic, being outward looking, can only serve the interests of lower minds.
3. Inner Wisdom is the Wisdom of Love and code of sublime ethics. Its noble ideals alone can empower people to reject the parasitic plants of human fabrication which are choking all goodness and truth in the world.
4. The ancient Egyptians, the Ethiopians of the East who came from Lanka or Ceylon, were a colony of dark-skinned Aryans, the Dravidians of Southern India, who took an already existing civilization with them to Egypt. He who dissipates the darkness of ignorance by the torch of truth awakens in our benumbed souls the faculty of distinguishing the true from the false, and kindles a divine flame hitherto absent.
5. Theosophy is the white ray from which arise the seven colours of the solar spectrum, each human being assimilating one of these rays to a greater degree than the other six. Theosophy, or rather the occult sciences it studies, is something more than simple metaphysics: it is universal transcendentalism.
6. The numerical value of the names of old divinities was taught in the Lesser Mysteries. But Mystery Language itself was reserved for the high initiates alone. Envy, jealousy, and rivalry, reign supreme in a society whose principal object is brotherhood. Instead of helping one another, many look askance at each other, always ready to make fun of each other and criticise.
7. The Theosophical Society is a Republic of Conscience. Knowledge of Cosmogenesis is the key to All-knowledge. The Theosophical Society is the Tree of Brotherhood, grown from a kernel planted in the earth by the angel of Charity and Justice. It depends upon its members to make of their Society an ark destined, in a future not too distant, to transport the humanity of a new cycle beyond the vast muddy waters of the deluge of hopeless materialism. In the meantime, we all should seek to bring some peace on earth to the hearts of those who suffer, by lifting for them a corner of the veil which hides from them divine truth.