Daemon est Deus inversus, Devil is God upside-down.
Good and D’Evil, Agathodaimon and Kakodaimon, are convertible.
Heat and Electricity, two out of three Mothers of Hermes, are also convertible.
Pneuma and Anemos, Spiritus and Ventus are convertible.
And so is Purusha and Prakriti, Spirit and Matter, Deity and Nature, Force and Matter.
And Cain and Abel, Osiris and Typhon, Jacob and Esau.
Even Activity and Passivity are readily convertible to each other. The former is the essential condition with which the student has to commence.
Rishis and Patriarchs, too, are convertible in their numbers.
Last but not least, Spiritualism and Animalism are convertible.
But there can be no intercourse or relations between clean and unclean souls — whether embodied or disembodied. Neither can evil ever be uprooted but must linger in the whole expanse of the Kosmos.