Woe to the selfish man who seeks to develop occult powers only to attain earthly benefits, or revenge, or to satisfy his ambition. And warnings to those who are anxious to develop powers by sitting for yoga.
Tattvas are the substratum of the Forces in Nature and Man. Sound is no attribute at all, but the primal correlation of Akasha. Akasha is both the highest Tattva and the synthesis of all Tattvas. Esoteric and Tantric Tattvas, and their correspondences with states of matter, body parts, and colours, explained. In the realm of hidden Forces of Nature, an audible sound is but a subjective colour; and a perceptible colour, but an inaudible sound.
The Seven Rays of Logos keep vibrating not only in the Tattvic centres of action but in every atom of the body. The lower you go in the Talas the more intellectual you become and the less spiritual. You may be a morally good man but not spiritual.
Every human passion, every thought and quality, is indicated in one’s aura by corresponding colours and shades of colour; certain of these are sensed and felt, rather than perceived. The introspective Adept can see the golden aura of a man in his normal condition, pulsating in both the Pineal and the Pituitary Glands, a pulsation like that of the heart, never ceasing throughout life.
Watch out! Tantric works tend to Black Magic and are most dangerous to take for guides in self-training.