In its highest aspect, Svabhava is the Divine Essence or Supreme Substance, ever desiring to manifest Itself through visible creation (Kriyashakti) by the power of the Word (First Logos). Svabhava is the Mulaprakriti of the Vedantin, the Root-less Root or Eternal Life of the Eastern Occultist, Deity Itself! It is Ineffable, because nameless and unpronounceable, yet Universally Diffused Essence (Adi-Buddhi or Dharmakaya).
Svayambhu is Brahma and Man, the Heavenly Manu-Svayambhuva, Self-existence and Self-existing, i.e., the potentiality of being and the potency of every form of life. Svayambhu emanates from himself the creative faculty which is symbolised by the Abstract Triad, vehicle of an Unmanifested Deity (First Logos) and symbol of the universe to be. The first triangle is formed when Cosmic Substance and Cosmic Ideation, two lines united in “heaven,” are joined at the base thus indicating that the Son (i.e., Mahat and Matter, or the inner and outer boundaries of the universe to be) is about to be born.
Svayambhu is the greatest secret of creation and salvation. It is the luminous Point that radiates from Darkness, Motion Unmanifested or Eternal Vibration, unconscious and noumenal. When the hour strikes, it becomes Motion Manifested or Vortical Motion, conscious and phenomenal.
Not only the first Manu is Svayambhuva, self-manifested Son of an ever Unmanifested Father, but every Svayambhuva is a parentless, self-born Cosmic Monad, which is destined to become the Centre of Force, from within which will emerge a planetary chain, whose radiations will become again so many Manu-Svayambhuvas, each of these becoming the Creator of his own Humanity. Manu-Svayambhuva is the creative energy of our Dhyani-Chohans collectively, personified by the Greeks as Prometheus or the Pythagorean Monas, the Heart of our Universe. It never manifests objectively, as it always lives in solitude and darkness. It is the Central Point around which the six-pointed star, emblem of the Theosophical Society, revolves and evolves.