The Mind was to instruct the mind: “self-analysing reflection” has to be the way.
Real life is a conscious existence in spirit, not in matter. And true life is consciousness’ flight of the alone to the Alone.
Madame Blavatsky explains the meaning of our highest Duty, of Genesis and true Anthropogenesis. Biblical Adam stands for the primitive, mindless, human race — androgynous at first, differentiated later. Adam’s “deep sleep” was the dreamless sleep of mental inaction.
Humanity is Divine Consciousness on Earth. Divinity is the power of fate, and the necessity of future events. We all influence each other, regardless of our station and size. Therefore, our prime duty is boundless devotion to the welfare of others.
With selections from Cicero, Damascius, Plotinus, J .Ralston Skinner, I.K. Taimni, and Thomas Taylor.