In this research, new setting is introduced for new SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable. In this research article, there are some research segments for \Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable" about some researches on neutrosophic SuperHyperStable. With researches on the basic properties, the research article starts to make neutrosophic SuperHyperStable theory more understandable. Assume a neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. Then a \neutrosophic SuperHyperStable" In(NSHG) for a neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph NSHG : (V;E) is the maximum neutrosophic cardinality of a neutrosophic SuperHyperSet S of neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices such that there's no neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex to have a neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge in common. A basic familiarity with SuperHyperGraph theory and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph theory are proposed.