Dr. Bhume Chantaramolee is currently a specially-appointed assistant professor at the National Institute of Technology, Akashi College, Japan. He received his Ph.D. from the Quantum Engineering Design Course (QEDC) of Osaka University under the supervision of Prof. Hideaki Kasai and Prof. Wilson Agerico Diño. He was a sandwich program student at the National Institute of Technology, Akashi College, under the supervision of Prof. Hideaki Kasai and Prof. Hiroshi Nakanishi. His research focuses on the first principles approach to investigate reactions on catalysts' surfaces.
Dr. Ryan L. Arevalo is currently a Balik Scientist Program grantee of the Department of Science and Technology in the Philippines, and formerly a specially-appointed assistant professor at the National Institute of Technology, Akashi College in Japan. He received his Ph.D in Quantum Engineering Design at Osaka University under the supervision of Prof. Hideaki Kasai. His research has focused on first principles calculations for heterogenous catalysis.