Sanatan Dharma: Nitya Karma Evam Ritucharya is an execellent book which teaches us how to complete our daily chorus as per our Sanatan Hindu Dharma. Really inspiring. Mr Hira Bhallabh is a proficient writer has already written many books on Hindu Sanatan Dharma and Kumaoni culture and History. Greatful to read such books of basic rituals and our great Sanatan senskriti. All the best Mr Hira Bhallabh ji...pl continue to write such books in future also. Earlier I have gone through these books and gained good knowledge about these written for. Regards
V V S N Rao
Shri Hira Bhallabji is the authority on Hinduism, its rites & rituals. His book on Garuda Puran dispelled various myths surrounded with the last rites. He is doing excellent work to purify his own Brahmin clan and re-rstablish their rightful place in the Hindu society by removing all misconception about Brahmins. All Hindus must read his books as the world is heading towards Sanatan Dharma. Jai Sanatan Dharma.
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Dev Dutt Mishra
'सनातन धर्म : नित्य कर्म व संध्या वंदन' नामक यह पुस्तक हिन्दू जीवन को समझने, धर्म मार्ग पर चलने, ईस्वर की शरण प्राप्त करने का मार्ग प्रशस्त करती है। मंत्रों का चयन व अनुवाद उत्तम है, भाषा ग्राह्य है। इसमें गुरु , ग्रंथ व संतों का बताया ज्ञान पिरोया है। यह पुस्तक प्रत्येक घर में होनी चाहिए। पुराण, त्यौहार, आरती , संस्कार, जन्मदिन, सुभाषित जैसे विषयों का चयन प्रासंगिक है। Good book to have at home.
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