Felix Dennis was imprisoned in 1971 as co-editor of OZ magazine. After his acquittal on appeal, he founded his own magazine publishing company in 1973 and made millions with the sale of Personal Computer World and MacUser in the mid-eighties. Today, Dennis Publishing remains a privately owned company with headquarters in London and New York City. Titles include The Week, Auto Express, Computer Shopper and Maxim. The annual Sunday Times Rich List estimates that Felix Dennis is the 65th richest individual in the UK. Following a life-threatening illness, his first collection of poetry, A Glass Half Full, was published in 2002. Two further collections followed in 2004 and 2006, Lone Wolf and When Jack Sued Jill. His other interests include planting trees and he divides his time between homes in Warwickshire, London, New York, Connecticut and the Caribbean island of Mustique.