Fundamental questions then arise: Is such an equivalent macroscopic description possible? What is the domain of validity of this macroscopic description? The homogenization technique provides complete and rigorous answers to these questions.
This book aims to summarize the homogenization technique and its contribution to engineering sciences. Researchers, graduate students and engineers will find here a unified and concise presentation.
The book is divided into four parts whose main topics are
Each part is illustrated by numerical or analytical applications as well as comparison with the self-consistent approach.
Jean-Louis Auriault received a civil engineer degree from Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. He served as a Professor of continuum mechanics at University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble.
Claude Boutin is civil engineer. He received Habilitation at University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble. He serves as a Professor at école Nationale des Travaux publics de l'Etat, Lyon.
Christian Geindreau, after ENS Cachan, received a Ph.D in mechanics at the University Joseph Fourier. He serves as a Professor in mechanics at the University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble.