Hotel Flamingo: Volume 1

· Hotel Flamingo 1ꢌ · Bonnier Zaffre Ltd.
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'Truly heartwarming and uplifting. I'd love to book a room there myself' Philip Ardagh

'Hotel Flamingo is bursting with charm, friendship and fabulous characters!' Laura Ellen Anderson

'Five stars for Hotel Flamingo!' Harriet Whitehorn

'A delightfully sunny new series' Polly Faber

When young Anna inherits a dilapidated once-grand hotel from her Great Aunt Mathilde, she's determined to restore it to its former glory. But this is no ordinary hotel - all of her staff and guests are animals! Anna soon rises to the challenge. Whether it's a flamingo, a penguin or a hippo knocking at the door, Anna is ready to welcome them all - with the help of her trusty sidekicks T Bear the doorman, Squeak the friendly mouse elevator, and Lemmy the lemur receptionist ... As she soon finds out, though, running an animal hotel is no easy task. Can Anna make Hotel Flamingo a success once more?

An enchanting four-book series featuring the adventures of Anna and her array of animal friends

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Alex Milway is a full-time children's books author-illustrator and screenwriter. His books include Pigsticks and Harold (Walker Books) and the Hotel Flamingo and Big Sky Mountain series (Piccadilly). He is the founder of the This Book Is Funny! children's book scheme working with schools and libraries and has huge experience running children's workshops around the UK, in China and the US.

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