"Can you believe that? I was born and raised in Malaysia with a very happy childhood as a child labor of my parents and grandparents in their farming lands after school hours and at the moment when I received a Nobel Prize at the Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden, on 10th December - the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death, I received a marriage proposal from one of my investors cum my panel doctor, i.e. the cardiologist, PAL who was raised in central London with Italy royal blood; a group of Chinese or Asian with a representative to greet me, "Princess, congratulations!" He led the team to greet me again, "Your Royal Highness, Princess of the Yuan Dynasty, The Great Moguls!""
Hui-Shin Wong is a simple Malaysian who read a lot and travel the world. Through her stories, she aims to change the world for a better place to live. She hope her readers evolve their mindset to a globally thinker and not only following others without thinking. "See, Think, Enlighten, then, Follow (S.T.E.F.)!” Also, she would like to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich, the intelligent and the ordinary, the masters and the slaves, the local graduates and the overseas graduates, the easterners and the westerners, the IT-savvy and non-IT savvy individuals.