Hui-Shin Wong was brought up and educated in Malaysia. She would like to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich, the intelligent and the ordinary, the masters and the slaves, the local graduates and the overseas graduates, the easterners and the westerners, the IT-savvy and non IT-savvy individuals. She spent slightly more than one year in various places in the world especially the United States of America, United Kingdom and Europe for a mission to share her traveling stories and shed insights to her readers on how to become global and independent thinkers in her first non-fiction book, “Sunshine Little Kitchen”. She also launched her first imaginative novel, “Amore: The Indication of Civilization in 22nd Century” after her soulmate searching for 12 years through a mobile app, Tinder. Her motivation to write the following three books under “Hui-Shin Wong Children Collection”; Book 1) “My Children’s Guide Book”, Book 2) “Mommy’s Son”, and, Book 3) “How To Ask Questions?” for all generations especially the younger one or two generations to alert and guide them for a brighter future if their parents and grandparents can not afford to guide them. Parents and grandparents can use my books as the guide to lead their next generations. These three books are also dedicated to special folks, orphans, old folks and children with single parents and divorced parents. She addressed all children who need this guide book as her children.
“Do you want a mom like me? Read my books, I can be your virtual mom. All right?” said Hui-Shin Wong.