Do you want to learn Norwegian Bokmål with authentic Norwegian Bokmål stories? It's easy with Norwegian Bokmål and interlinear English. 120+ pages with every word translated so you can keep on reading.
We have added an interlinear translation to the Norwegian Bokmål text. This means that the meaning of every Norwegian Bokmål word is immediately accessible, which in turn will make it much easier for you to expand your Norwegian Bokmål vocabulary fast.
How to learn Norwegian fast and easy
The following method can be used to expand your vocabulary fast.
Read and re-read this book until you understand the more common words. Because of the immediately visible meaning this is a fast process.
Then mark the words you don't know and practice those separately or re-read only those paragraphs marked to save time. Mastering a large vocabulary has become a piece of cake the HypLern way!
Interlinear word-for-word literal (plus idiomatic where necessary) translation is the key to reading a foreign language from day one.
I started creating literal plus idiomatic translations with HypLern in 2006 for Spanish and Russian to allow students to start reading in a foreign language with a beginner's vocabulary. In 2020 there are over 80 books allowing you to read and learn in more than 20 languages and literal plus idiomatic word-for-word translations to English, Danish, Dutch, Spanish and Mandarin. Check out my site at !!!
Those translations are available in an interlinear format here on Google Play Books as pdfs. If you would like an epub instead, contact us using the information in the book. The website offers both interlinear and pop-up formats for beginning to advanced readers of a foreign language and includes vocabulary practice tools.
The result is that students learn new vocabulary much faster because they get more and more complex vocabulary from the start and with the meanings in context immediately available. Especially if reinforced with revisiting the low frequency words a bit more often, this combination has you reading a foreign language independently in no time.
HypLern's goal is to create interlinear books with a word-for-word literal plus idiomatic translation for as many languages as possible. Find the paperback edition on Amazon!