Imagine if you could sit down, keep your mind on one goal, and actually finish your task. Think how your life would be if you found a way to manage your work hours, breaks, and distractions so that you could truly focus and complete goal after goal.
Internationally bestselling author I. C. Robledo has revealed his struggle with maintaining focus. He was once frustrated, unable to stay focused on even simple tasks. Then he decided to experiment with different techniques until he was able to get more done in less time, with greater focus. Now he is able to maintain his focus at the highest level, and he wants to help you do the same.
Inside, you will discover:
- How using Brute Force Focus can stretch your focus ability
- Why focused people work less to get more done – with Smart Breaks
- How to find your Sweet Spot of Challenge to stay focused on one task
- Why Internal Motivation will help you focus in the long-term
- How to stop Disruptive Ideas before they become big distractions
Get your focus in gear and turn your goals into a reality with Master Your Focus.
Master Your Focus will help you to focus and concentrate longer, stop getting sidetracked and distracted so easily, sharpen your mind and brain, manage your attention span, focus fully on one thing at a time, unleash your powers of concentration, put ADD and ADHD in check, single-task effectively instead of multi-tasking, use your potential and achieve what you want, and gain full mental control over yourself.
This book is ideal for high school and college students, gifted and talented students, standardized test takers, teachers, educators, adult learners, independent learners and self-starters, school administrators, managers and leaders, and parents.
Similar authors you may have enjoyed include Sean Patrick, Daniel Coyle, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Malcolm Gladwell, Steven Pressfield, Walter Isaacson, Michael Michalko, Ed Catmull, David McRaney, Tony Buzan, Barbara Oakley, Joshua Foer, Sanjay Gupta, Harry Lorayne, Edward de Bono, Joseph Murphy, John C. Maxwell, Robert Greene, Peter Hollins, Peter C. Brown, Jim Kwik, and Josh Waitzkin.
Similar genres of books you tend to read will be nonfiction, self-help, self-improvement, personal development, mind and brain improvement, philosophy, applied psychology, biographies and memoirs, education, learning, academic textbooks, health, mind & body, business and investing, religion and spirituality, and Christian books.
If you liked Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman, 10 Ways to Stay Focused by James Fries, or Mental Focus and Brain Games for Memory Improvement: 3 Books In 1 Boxed Set by Speedy Publishing, you won’t want to miss this book.
Master Your Focus is also available in paperback and as an audiobook.
Pick up your copy today by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking BUY NOW.
I. C. Robledo is an internationally bestselling author who received his B.A. from Purdue University in psychology, and his M.S. from the University of Oklahoma in industrial-organizational psychology. His books have been translated into eight languages and are sold around the world. He aims to help individuals and societies pursue higher states of consciousness, understanding, and being. To learn more, visit: