sooo i've been through a lot to review this book, and in my opinion about the content inside is"quite interseting" about how they managed to expressing their imagination into a solid pictures. And it was impressive artwork of some creators, some of them has "quite" unique imagination and some of them has a great talent on illustrating something, even though the theme of the art on this book is Zodiac Sign, it's still has it's own difficulties on creating their own avatar (or you can call it by character) because they actually have their own curve, expression, mood, color, and many more to considered as their "own sign". But I got some interest on the artwork of M. Imam Safii (Imam Mitos), he has good senses on using combination of pastel color and using "chibi" character so it can blend perfectly with the color. the other artwork that taking my attention is the artwork of Sukma Dwipa, I'm kinda like the way he using anime-based style to express his imagination and the way he using each color to each Zodiac Sign. But the most interesting way to create this Zodiac Sign was the one that made by Ifan Pambudi, he has his own style in this book, like the way he picking those color, and the way he using "simple-style" of drawing, it blend nicely with the color, and the way he express the move or posture of each Zodiac, it's kinda cool work. And thats all from me, and before i finish my review, may i ask something? i'm just asking for the book creator's artwork? i'm kinda curious of your artwork sir. And for the one who got my interset in, YOU SIR JUST DID A GREAT JOB, BE PROUD DUDE! best regards I Putu Rama Bhaskara
Dicky Dwipa
I think the best work in illustrating zodiac is Nyoman Gonis Adi Sumitra, I Putu Ardhi Kurniawan, and Ifan Pambudi, because their work is very interesting, simple, and different from others... My full name : I Kadek Sukma Dwipa Pramesta.