The products of these floods are presented in terms of sedimentary deposits, erosional features and damage to human activities.
The volume bears out the concept that sedimentological analysis can be a powerful tool, not only for reconstructing processes that have acted on ancient landscapes, but also as a technique for risk assessment of certain troubled areas. Therefore, this volume is of interest not only to sedimentologists/gemorphlogists, but also to engineers, landuse planners and anyone interested in the interrelation between humans and the environment.
If you are a member of the International Association of Sedimentologists, for purchasing details, please see:
I. Peter Martini is the editor of Flood and Megaflood Processes and Deposits: Recent and Ancient Examples, published by Wiley.
Victor R. Baker is the editor of Flood and Megaflood Processes and Deposits: Recent and Ancient Examples, published by Wiley.
Guillermina Garzón is the editor of Flood and Megaflood Processes and Deposits: Recent and Ancient Examples, published by Wiley.