Ian Brown is Emeritus Professor in Drama at Kingston University and Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Scottish Literature at Glasgow University. He is the General Editor of The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature (EUP: 2007) and widely published on aspects of theatre and literature. He is also a playwright and poet.
The late Susan Manning was Grierson Professor of English Literature, and Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh.
Murray Pittock MAE FRSE is Bradley Professor and Pro Vice-Principal at the University of Glasgow, and Scotland's leading cultural historian. A prizewinner of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the British Academy, he has held visiting appointments or spoken at the universities of UC Berkeley, Boston, Cambridge, Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, UCL, New York University, Notre Dame, Oslo, Oxford, the Sorbonne, Virginia, Yale, Gresham College, the British Academy, The British Museum, Hampton Court, the Smithsonian, the House of Commons and many other locations. He is the General Editor of the Collected Works of Allan Ramsay.
Thomas Clancy is Lecturer in the Department of Celtic at the University of Glasgow.