reliance on cotton imports by replacing its use with the primary material
of the ramie plant (Boehmeria nivea). Furthermore, this ramie plant can
grow in almost all regions in Indonesia because this plant survives in
places that have two seasons. Thus, the potential use of ramie effectively
and efficiently will be able to support the Nawacita government program
Volume 2 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the
achievement of several points of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
including SDG number 9, which supports building resilient infrastructure,
improving inclusive and sustainable industries, and encouraging innovation,
SDG number 12 which ensures sustainable consumption and production,
and SDG number 15 which focuses on safeguarding terrestrial or land
ecosystems, because ramie plants can grow naturally without the use of
chemicals and pesticides so that they can be environmentally friendly and
the ecosystem is not disturbed.