The second part focuses on the Plenary and Invited Talks given by eminent scientists namely, Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, University of Waterloo, Canada; Motoharu Fujigaki, University of Fukuii, Japan; Takeo Sasaki, Tokyo University of Science, Japan; Kehar Singh, Former Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India; Rajpal S. Sirohi, Tezpur University, India; Ajoy Kumar Chakraborty, Institute of Engineering & Management, India; Lakshminarayan Hazra, Emeritus Professor, Calcutta University, India; S.K. Bhadra, Emeritus Scientist, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, India; Partha Roy Chaudhuri, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India; Navin Nishchal, Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India; Tarun Kumar Gangopadhyay, CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, India; Samudra Roy, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India; Kamakhya Ghatak, University of Engineering & Management, India.
The subsequent parts focus on contributory papers in : Green Photonics; Fibre and Integrated Optics; Lasers, Interferometry; Optical Communication and Networks; Optical and Digital Data and Image Processing; Opto-Electronic Devices, Terahertz Technology; Nano-Photonics, Bio-Photonics, Bio-Medical Optics; Lasers, Quantum Optics and Information Technology; E. M. Radiation Theory and Antenna; Cryptography; Quantum and Non-Linear Optics, Opto-Electronic Devices; Non-Linear Waveguides; Micro-Electronics and VLSI; Interdisciplinary.
Prof. Dr. Chakrabarti has got his B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering in May 2002 from University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India and got his MS in Computer Science from University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada in Sept 2004. He won scholarships and graduated in the top 1% of the class and led a team of 4 Computer Engineers to successfully complete the Research Project: “Advanced OS (AVOS): A Real-Time 32 bit Operating System”. He is the Convener and General Chair of 7th International Conference on IEMCON which is going to be held in Canada and New York, USA from 15-17 October, 2016 and 20-22 October, 2016.
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan (aka Vengu) received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and is currently a professor of Vision Science, Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He has held visiting and faculty appointments at the universities of California at Berkeley, at Irvine, University of Missouri, the University of Michigan, Glasgow Caledonian University, Ryerson University and the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He has been selected as a GIAN Professor of Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (2016), and has been named as the International Visiting Professor of Biophotonics at the University of Brescia, Italy in 2017. He has had numerous honors, including Fellow of AAAS, APS, IoP, OSA, SPIE, etc., as well as Senior Member status of IEEE and the recipient of various awards, including most recently, the Esther Hoffman Beller medal of OSA (2013), and the Optics Educator award of SPIE (2011). He has been a KITP Scholar at the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of California at Santa Barbara. He is currently the Chair of Education of SPIE – The International Society for Optics and Photonics and is deeply involved with education and outreach in developing nations. He is a consultant to the ophthalmic and medical devices section of the FDA (from 2013) and is technical editor or section editor of a number of journals including Journal of Modern Optics and Optics Letters. He has authored or edited about 13 books, and over 300 publications in topics ranging from optical physics and engineering, neuroscience, bioengineering, applied math, cognitive science and ophthalmology/optometry and serves on grant review panels for a number of funding agencies both in the US and abroad.Prof. Haricharan S. Reehal is head of the Advanced Materials group in the School of Engineering at London South Bank University (LSBU). His research is focused on PV materials and devices, particularly thin film silicon, low temperature processing and novel concepts for PV devices including nanowires and plasmonics. His interests include improving PV module performance and PV systems. He has wide expertise in thin film growth and in the characterization of materials and devices. Prior to joining LSBU, Prof. Reehal was a lecturer in Physics at Bradford University working on electroluminescent display devices and then Team Leader of the Solid State and Surface Science Groups at BP Research UK. His work at BP ranged from photovoltaics (PV) and novel devices to advanced materials, coatings and surface science. In PV, his team made significant contributions to the development of BP's laser buried grid solar cell technology as well as thin film crystalline Si and GaAs technologies. Prof. Reehals’ work has been supported by EPSRC, Industry and charities and he has been a partner in several research consortia and international collaborations. He has supervised more than 30 PhD students and research fellows and acted as the external PhD examiner in more than 20 national and international vivas. He has organised several successful UK conferences and meetings on PV and is a member of various national and international PV conference committees. He is a member of EPSRC’s peer review college and acted as a reviewer for many bodies. He contributed to the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) task force on developing a roadmap for PV research. He is a chartered engineer (CEng) and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Solar Energy and has published more than 100 papers, 4 patents as well as contributed to more than 100 confidential BP technical reports. Prof. Reehal has carried out several senior academic management roles at LSBU including Director of Research in the Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment.