Carlo Pietrobelli is a Lead Specialist in the Competitiveness and Innovation Division of the Inter-American Development Bank. Prior to joining the IDB, he was Professor of Economics at the University of Roma Tre and Director of the Center for Studies on the Economics of Institutions (CREI). He also served as Deputy Rector for University-Industry linkages at the same university. He holds a PhD in Economics from Oxford University and has worked as policy advisor for international organizations like the European Commission, the World Bank, IFAD, UNIDO, UNCTAD, ECLAC, CAF, and OECD in many countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. His research interests include innovation and technological change, industrial policy, international trade, clusters and value chains in developing countries. His research has been published in many academic journals and books with Harvard University Press, Edward Elgar and Routledge. At the IDB he designs and manages programs to promote competitiveness and in