Marci, a brilliant seventeen-year-old hacker renowned across the city, has always battled against this relentless assault on her mind. But lately, the attacks intensify, pushing her to commit reckless acts beyond her control. Misjudged as a rebellious youth, even her own mother and best friend fail to see the truth when she races her bike, pursued by the authorities.
She's not the one in command. Something else is.
Time after time, Marci triumphs over the encroaching shadows, determined to preserve her own identity. Recognizing her unwavering strength, James McCray, leader of the rebellious group IgNiTe, recruits her, assuring her sanity is intact.
But the reality is far grimmer.
Marci has fallen victim to a devastating plague, one that affects half of Seattle and the world.
With alarming swiftness, people are replaced by sinister beings. The fate of humanity hangs by a thread, unless Marci and IgNiTe can halt the infection's relentless spread before it's too late.
For devotees of clean young adult science fiction, this dark urban fantasy infused with apocalyptic dread offers intrigue, romance, and relentless action. Ignite the Shadows, a thrilling series reminiscent of The 5th Wave guarantees an unputdownable experience.
Ingrid Seymour is a USA Today bestselling author of over forty novels. She writes young adult and new adult fiction in a variety of genres, including urban fantasy, paranormal romance, sci-fi, and high fantasy—all with badass heroines and irresistible heroes. She used to work as a software engineer at a Fortune 500 company, but now writes full-time and loves every minute of it. She lives in Birmingham with her husband, two kids, and a cat named Ossie.
Her favorite outings involve a trip to the library or bookstore where she immediately gravitates toward the speculative section. She’s an avid reader and fangirl of many amazing books. She is a dreamer and a fighter who believes perseverance and hard work can make dreams come true.