is a bona fide Internet sensation, a web-based community of motivated do-it-yourselfers who contribute invaluable how-to guides to the site on a wide range of topics, from gardening and home repair to recipes to gadgets that defy categorization. The site hosts more than 100,000 projects. More than 15 million people visit the site each month, leaving comments and suggestions on the ever-growing list of do-it-yourself projects.
Mike Warren is nearly an architect by training who makes tasty, dangerous, and fun things . . . sometimes all at once! He destroyed a microwave to determine if it could be used to melt metal. (It worked. Mostly.) He has spray painted dinosaurs with a spray can he made himself, brewed a potent pot of coffee using energy drinks and other legal stimulants, and deconstructed a pair of high heels to add dinosaurs to them.