The volume contains schematic diagrams and source codes with detailed descriptions. All tests were prepared on the basis of the original documentation (data sheets, application notes). The next three chapters: The Stack, Tables and Table Instruction and Data Memory pertain to PIC18F1320. Software referred to is also presented in assembly language. Finally the application of the PIC24FJ microcontroller with the 240x128 LCD display, T6963C and with accelerometer sensor, written in C are described.
Bohdan Borowik holds a position as an associate professor at the Electrical & Automation Department in Bielsko, Poland.
He holds Degree of Technical Sciences Doctor and is a holder of FCC license given in the USA.
H posesses the long-standing practice in Hi-Tech Companies in the USA and Europe. He actually works as the lecturer in the field of processor systems. He cooperates with universities in Czech Republic.