There’s also a very interesting debate on community and art, from a pragmatist point of view, which offers the volume a special serenity.
He also served as president of several philosophical organizations, including the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (1988-90), which gave him its highest honour, the Herbert W. Schneider Award in 1996.
Michel Weber is Director of the Centre for philosophical practice “Chromatiques whiteheadiennes”; . He has published, e.g., La dialectique de l’intuition chez A. N. Whitehead (Ontos Verlag, 2005), Whitehead’s Pancreativism (Ontos Verlag, 2006), L’épreuve de la philosophie (Éditions Chromatika, 2008) and Éduquer (à) l’anarchie (Éditions Chromatika, 2008).
J. K. Swindler, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, Illinois State University, works at the intersection of metaphysics, ethics and social philosophy. He is the author of Weaving: An Analysis of the Constitution of Objects (Romwan and Littlefield) and has recently published "Normativity" (The Journal of Social Philosophy) and "Social Intentions" (The Philosophy of the Social Sciences).
He has taught at Westminster College, the University of Miami and Wittenberg University. He served as editor of Southwest Philosophy Review and has held fellowships with the Eccles Humanities Center, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the National Science Foundation.
Oana Pastae is Assistant professor at “Constantin Brancusi University” Targu-Jiu, and Ph.D. candidate at the “University of Bucharest”, Romania, working on a dissertation that focuses on the lexical- semantic analysis of a cognitive structure: happiness in contemporary French. Among her publications - Bilinguisme et diglossie, (Mirton Edition 2004), La joie dans la classe des noms, (Annales Universitatis Apulensis, 2005), L’adjectif joyeux en français contemporain (
Cerasel Cuteanu, former faculty of Plymouth State University (USA) and of “Constantin Brancusi” University from Targu-Jiu, Romania, has a Ph.D. in Modern Philosophy and is presently researching on Pragmatism and Richard Rorty. He is the author of three books – “Nietzsche’s Europe”, “Modern Europe as Philosophy of Perpetual Peace” and “Letters of Leibniz, Pellisson and Bossuet in favor of the reunification of Protestants and Catholics”.