Thomas Cottier is Emeritus Professor of European and International Economic Law at Universität Bern, Switzerland, a senior research fellow at the World Trade Institute, and adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law. He was educated at Universität Bern and the University of Michigan Law School, and was a visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge. He was the Deputy-Director General of the Swiss Intellectual Property Office and served as a member or chair of several GATT and WTO panels.
Ilaria Espa is a postdoctoral researcher at the World Trade Institute (WTI), Universität Bern, Switzerland, the Scientific Coordinator of the WTI Doctoral Programme and a lecturer at the Università degli Studi di Milano. A former Marie Curie fellow, she received her Ph.D. in International Law and Economics from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milano. Her dissertation, Export Restrictions on Critical Minerals and Metals: Testing the Adequacy of WTO Disciplines, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2015.