Linda Hantrais, FAcSS, is Emeritus Professor of European Social Policy at Loughborough University, UK, and Visiting Fellow at the LSE Centre for International Studies (tbc). Her research interests span international comparative research theory, methodology, management and practice, with particular reference to public policy and institutional structures in the European Union, and the relationship between socio-demographic trends and social policy.
Ashley Thomas Lenihan
is a Fellow at the LSE Centre for International Studies and a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Law, Science, & Global Security at Georgetown University. Her research focuses on the political economy of international security, international law, and the relationship between social science research and the policymaking process.Susanne MacGregor
, FAcSS, is an Honorary Professor of Social Policy at LSHTM, and Emeritus Professor at Middlesex University. She has been a Scientific Adviser to the UK Department of Health and was Programme Coordinator for their Drug Misuse Research Initiative (2000–2008). She is a member of the UNRISD research collaboration: Towards universal social security in emerging economies.