Intuition is something most of us would have experienced at one time or
another; it’s that gut-feeling or inner voice or ‘sixth sense’. It’s
instinctive by nature, independent of rational analysis or deductive thinking. But
can we actively develop our intuition and learn how to better utilise it?
Author Dr Cate Howell believes we can, and shows us how in Intuition.
In this fascinating book, Dr Howell explores how intuition has been a
part of philosophy, psychology, religion and spirituality, from ancient times
right up to the present. She also looks at the science behind intuition, and
how our experience of it can be described in terms of our brain function. Finally,
she sets out a practical seven-step program for developing intuition and using
it to enhance everyday life so that we experience an increased sense of peace,
purpose and joy.
Practical exercises and meditations are included throughout the book,
inviting us to unlock the door to our own intuition garden and encourage it to
Cate Howell is a general practitioner specialising in mental health and
counselling for the past twenty years. She directs a multidisciplinary practice
and regularly teaches students, professionals and the public. She has authored
books on depression and anxiety, and co-hosts a radio show called ‘Health Talk’.
Her website is: