Invincible Warrior tells the fascinating story of the life of Morihei Ueshiba (1883–1969), whose quest for the true meaning of warriorship led to the creation of the martial art called Aikido, "The Art of Peace." Ueshiba—whose name means "abundant peace"—is considered by many to be one of the greatest martial artists who ever lived. His documented ability to disarm any attacker, throw a dozen men simultaneously, and down and pin opponents without touching them has accorded his life legendary status.
Invincible Warrior presents the real story behind Morihei’s achievement, illuminating the man and his message. Stevens describes the people, events, and ideas that influenced Ueshiba’s lifelong spiritual quest, which culminated in the development of unique teachings of Aikido. Illustrated with two hundred photographs of Morihei in action and filled with revealing anecdotes about his life and times, Invincible Warrior also offers valuable discussion of the founder’s conception of Aikido as a path of harmony and love, unifying body and mind, self and others, humans and the universe.
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