· the ways in which specific crops respond to stress and the effects of the timing and degree of stress and the growth stage of the crop
· evapotranspiration (ET) and crop water use to schedule irrigations
· developing an irrigation schedule
· terms used to describe the amount of water available to a crop
· soil moisture probes and where to locate them
· water quality issues to consider.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Safety
Chapter 3: Environmental Impacts Of Irrigation
Chapter 4: The Need For Water Varies
Chapter 5: Factors Affecting Evapotranspiration
Chapter 6: Scheduling Irrigations
Chapter 7: How Soil Holds Water
Chapter 8: Data From Soil Moisture Probes
Chapter 9: Do You Need A Calibrated Probe?
Chapter 10: Implementing A Deficit Strategy
Chapter 11: Placement Of Soil Probes
Chapter 12: Irrigation Water Quality
Appendix 1: Determining PAWC
Appendix 2: Determining RAW From Soil Texture
Appendix 3: Determining Starting And Final Soil Moisture
Appendix 4: Calibration Of Soil Moisture Monitoring Tools
Appendix 5: IrriSAT – Weather based scheduling tool
Further Information
Jennifer Laffan has written many publications and training resources for the NSW Department of Primary Industries, including others in the AgSkills series.