Roman Egger is professor and divisional director for eTourism at the department of Innovation and Management in Tourism at the Salzburg University of Applied. He advises a number of national and international projects in the fields of Information Technologies in Tourism counsels eTourism-development activities. He has written and co-edited more than 10 books, published a number of articles in Books and Journals and is co-editor of the scientific Journal “Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft”. He is a Member of the International Federation of Information Technology for Travel and Tourism (IFITT), ÖGAF, DGOF, DGT and AIEST.
Christian Maurer, is professor for eTourism and eMarketing in the Department of Tourism & Leisure Management at the IMC University of Applied Sciences in Krems, Austria. He is an active researcher, has also published several articles on various aspects of eTourism, and frequently gives presentations at international conferences.