Island 731: A Thriller

· Macmillan
69 reseñas
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A research vessel’s crew is shipwrecked on a mysterious island with a deadly past in this terrifying thriller by a New York Times–bestselling author.

Mark Hawkins, former park ranger and expert tracker, is on board a research vessel studying the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. But his work is interrupted when his ship is plagued by malfunctions and the crew is battered by a raging storm . . .

The next morning, the beaten crew awakens to find themselves anchored in the protective cove of a tropical island—and no one knows how they got there. The ship has been sabotaged, two crewmen are dead, and a third is missing. Hawkins spots signs of the missing man on shore and leads a small team to bring him back. But they soon discover evidence of a brutal history left behind by the island’s former occupants: Unit 731, Japan’s ruthless World War II human experimentation program. As more of his colleagues start to disappear, Hawkins begins to realize the horrible truth: that Island 731 was never decommissioned and the person taking his crewmates may not be a person at all—not anymore . . .

“Robinson puts his distinctive mark on Michael Crichton territory with this terrifying present-day riff on The Island of Dr. Moreau . . . One of the best Jurassic Park successors.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Valoraciones y reseñas

69 reseñas

Acerca del autor

JEREMY ROBINSON is the author of bestselling thrillers, including SecondWorld,The Last Hunter: Descent,Project Nemesis, and the Jack Sigler Thrillers including Threshold and Ragnarok. His novels have been translated into ten languages. Born in the coastal town of Beverly, Massachusetts, Robinson grew up on a steady diet of seacoast exploration and science fiction, and began his creative career as a comic book illustrator and screenwriter. He now lives in New Hampshire with his wife and three children.

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