International Series of Monographs on Experimental Psychology, Volume 1: Pavlov's Typology presents problems of personality and the theoretical framework done in the U.S.S.R. Part 1 of this book deals with the development of Pavlov's theory of personality on experiments conducted on dogs and the problems encountered in studies of higher nervous activity in man and animals. These tests include investigation into the capacity of cortical cells of the test subject; the speed of movement and termination of the nervous process; and the speed of formation of positive and negative conditioned connections. Part 2 is the application of Pavlov's theory of types to individual differences in human beings. This part emphasizes that when using data from Pavlov's studies of animals, typological differences are considered when applied in man; that experimental methods are to be improved; and that operations definitions and concepts can change. Part 3 concerns experiments from Teplov's laboratory on the dimension of strength of the nervous systems in human beings. This strength is shown from the working capacity of nerve cells as 1) the strength of excitation the nerve-cell can endure when a stimulus acts on it in a single time and 2) the time that the nerve-cell can endure prolonged stimulus or at shorter but frequent intervals. The conclusions observed in strong subjects and weak subjects are then analyzed. This book can be appreciated by psychiatrists, psychologists, behavioral scientists, and students and professors in psychology.