International Series of Monographs in Electromagnetic Waves, Volume 11: Electromagnetic Wave Theory, Part 1 covers the proceedings of an International Scientific Radio Union (U.R.S.I.) Symposium on Electromagnetic Wave Theory. The book contains 61 chapters that are organized into three sections. The first section presents papers about wave propagation, which includes lateral waves; terrestrial waveguides; and plane waves in dissipative media. Next, the title reviews studies about wave guides, including basic properties of periodic waveguides; theoretical investigation of non-uniform waveguides; and waves in a coaxial line partially filled with plasma. The last section covers topics about surface waves, such as a dielectric prism in the corner of overmoded waveguide; lasers and optical communication systems; and microwave and laser resonators. The text will be of great use to researchers and practitioners of disciplines that study or utilize electromagnetic wave technologies, such as electrotechnics and electrical engineering.