Genital herpes is a life changing disease. The diagnosis can affect relationships and in some cases mobility. Depending on the severity of the outbreak, most people learn to live their lives without any issues. Unfortunately, the disease is quite common and should be more publicized so that people know how to stop the spread of the virus. The spread of the virus is commonly referred to as shedding. In this book, we will cover what herpes is and how to live with it.There have been an increased number of diagnoses for herpes in the last few years and the numbers have grown to epidemic proportions. There are 500,000 new diagnoses every year. There are an estimated 50 million cases of the virus in the United States alone. These numbers represent active and dormant cases of the virus. Most of the infected are women which one in four women has the virus. One in eight men has the virus. This book will show you everything you need to know about herpes. So, let's get started!