J. N. Aadams CBE, FBA was the author of many books and articles on the Latin language, including The Latin Sexual Vocabulary (1982) and Bilingualism and the Latin Language (2003). He was awarded the Kenyon Medal of the British Academy in 2009.
Anna Chahoud, FTCD is Professor of Latin at Trinity College Dublin. She is the author of C. Lucili Reliquiarum Concordantiae (1998) and various articles on Republican Latin and on the grammatical tradition, and has co-edited, with E. Dickey, Colloquial and Literary Latin (Cambridge, 2010).
G. Pezzini is Fellow and Tutor in Latin at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He has published extensively on early Latin language and literature, Roman comedy, ancient philosophy of language and fiction theory, including Terence and the Verb to-be in Latin (2015) and a forthcoming commentary on Terence's Heautontimorumenos.