Abhijeet Deshpande
Although the lores are nice... But as an animal lover, since childhood, I have always hated this and other such books, since this and many other books since the entire history have portrayed these and other such and similar poor animals like foxes, owls, amongst many other species, like some sort of evil, and foes, and enemies of humans, which they are factually, not, and never have been. But just to hide and display and showcase their own avarice, greed, debauchery, shamelessnes and selfishness, and to put the blame of their lives and actions on someone else, Humans have always depicted and portrayed all such animals in the likeness of their own selves. Which over ancient times till now, has resulted in the merciless, ruthless and terrible persecution and mindless killings and extinction of millions of species of fauna, till date. I have always hated such books...