Fern Rivers works two part-time jobs and lives upstairs in a cramped storefront apartment with her nerdy ex-boyfriend…who also happens to be her boss. But she is on the verge of realizing her career as a full-time naturalist and will soon be able to prove to her nagging mother that she is a capable woman after all.
That is until one of her co-workers at the park unexpectedly ends up dead. Darren may have been preparing to retire, but as Fern quickly realizes, it was clear that someone had decided to make his exit final. Unfortunately, no one believes Fern’s theory, and evidence is sparse. Relying on her instincts and knowledge of all things nature—not to mention some assistance from her trusty Sheltie—she decides to investigate alone. Not even the threat of losing her career will stop her from solving the murder.
Duskview Metroparks may be renown as a picturesque tourist town, but it is about to get a real scare from an individual with questionable morals.
** Bonus Short Story: Evergreen With Envy **
What could be more awkward than moving into an ex-boyfriend’s apartment? When Fern Rivers decided to move back to her hometown of Duskview, she didn’t imagine she’d be in so desperate a situation. But it does get more awkward when she falls victim to a robbery. Between her old boyfriend, his new girlfriend, and a small cast of acquaintances, discovering the culprit could shatter lifelong friendships.
Follow Jackie
My name is Jackie Pulpit, lover of all things Nature! I volunteer for my local Metroparks and spend my free time writing Cozy Mysteries. My wife, my muse, is the inspiration for the Naturalist Selection series, and when she's not providing for me new story ideas, she assists in caring for our two wonderful Shelties, Kirin and Kobold.