K. Krohn
What can I say about The Sabbides Secret Baby? Well, half of it reads like the characters were taken straight out of a porn manga and the other half like some pre-adolescent fantasy on finding "true love". The premise is that anger confused the way in which the main male character, Jed, spoke to the lead female character, Phoebe, after finding out she was pregnant. This misunderstanding caused the two of them to separate only to meet again five years later when, surprise, Phoebe had Jeds child. The fact that Phoebe at first tries to be strong so she doesn't get hurt again, but like in so many mediocre books falls to her feelings and lets herself get trodden on almost immediately, is aggravating in the least. The fact that Jed always says he isn't in love, even though the things he did and said and how he acted, proves otherwise gets tiresome. If it had been longer, with better and more in-depth characterisation, and more respect for the characters, it could have been good.
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