Dr. Jacqueline Mohan is an Associate Professor of Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry at the Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia. Her lab investigates the role of global change on plants, soil biogeochemistry, soil microbes, insect herbivores and, in particular, terrestrial ecosystems. Research includes eastern temperate forests, tropical montane forests, arctic shrub tundra, and southeastern U.S. fire-dependent pine savannas. She earned a S.B. in Biological Chemistry and an A.B. in Biology from the University of Chicago, a M.E.M from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment, and a PhD in Biological Sciences from Duke University with James S. Clark and William H. Schlesinger. She was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University with Fahkri Bazzaz and with Jerry Melillo of The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory. She was awarded the Murray F. Buell Award from the Ecological Society of America and serves on the Board of Editors of the journal PLoS One. She has published in journals including Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Global Change Biology, Ecology, Ecology Letters, Ecological Applications, Biogeochemistry, New Phytologist, Soil Science Society of America, Fungal Ecology, and Ecological Monographs.