Jacqueline Randle, PhD, MSc, BA, PGDip, RN Jacqueline is an Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham, UK. She works primarily with adult branch nursing students undertaking a pre-registration Masters of Nursing Science course but also works across other pre and post-registration courses. She teaches and assesses clinical skills and her clinical speciality is infection prevention and control. She publishes widely in the area of nursing. Martyn Bradbury, RGN, BSc, MSc. Cert Ed. Following qualification in 1980, Martyn completed an Intensive Care and Cardiac Care course at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton. Later, he became a Charge Nurse in acute medicine and then Clinical Supervisor for ITU/CCU and medicine at East Surrey Hospital, Redhill. Martyn was awarded a BSc in Nursing Studies from Brighton Polytechnic in 1987 and MSc in Health Care from Exeter University in 1995. Having worked as a Senior Lecturer since 199l, Martyn is now employed as Clinical Skills Network Lead within the School of Nursing & Community Studies at Plymouth University. In addition, he is an editorial board member and referee for the British Journal of Nursing. Professional interests include high dependency care and general medicine with a particular interest in cardiac care, pathophysiology and clinical skills teaching. Frank Coffey, MB DCH, Dip Sports Med, MMedSci, MRCPI, FRCSEd, FFAEM. Since 1999 Frank has worked as a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at the Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham. He is also Course Director of the MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice at the University of Nottingham. His main clinical and research interests include: medical education, Nurse Practitioner service development and training, inter-professional and team training, simulated patients and emergency medicine. He has extensive experience in Advanced Clinical Assessment and OSCEs (medicine and nursing).