This triggers the need for technical know-how that will guarantee adequate supply from the agricultural sectors of the economy in every country. Unfortunately, supply of animal products has been far lesser than demand, which puts animal farmers at great advantage and uncommon opportunities to make lots of money in this business.
The Modern Homesteader's Guide to Keeping Geese covers everything you need to know to raise geese, including:
· Profiles of breeds and how to select the best one for your needs
· How to "imprint" goslings on a person
· Feeding, housing, animal health, and cold weather care
· Using geese for weed control, soil improvement, and as "watch-geese"
· Cooking with goose eggs and meat
It represents an important update of the literature for research workers, lecturers, and advisers in animal science, but is also a core text for advanced undergraduate courses in animal science and biotechnology.
It will be an essential acquisition for librarians in agriculture and veterinary science.
Hi, my name is James Beaty. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.