Liberal democracies emerged on the back of fossil fuels, creating what Tim Mitchell called ‘carbon democracy’. Three decades of climate policy have affirmed the controlling influence of fossil fuel interests. Runaway climate change now threatens the very foundations of social life. Today we face a very clear democratic question, of whether the fossil fuel sector has the right to determine the planet’s climate future. Achieving global energy transformation at the scope and scale needed requires a democratic transformation, to overcome the stranglehold. This book examines these requirements. It debates the political constituencies, agendas and institutions that are emerging from climate crisis, comparing evidence of emergent themes. New claims are emerging, for ‘green deals’, ‘climate justice’, ‘energy justice’, ‘energy democracy’ and ‘de-growth’, reflecting a new intensity of contestation as climate change impacts deepen.
This book will be of great relevance to students, researchers and policymakers with an interest in comparative politics, democracy studies, climate change and environmental policies. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Globalizations.
James Goodman is Professor in Social and Political Sciences at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Technology, Sydney where he researches climate change and energy transitions. He is the co-author of the book Beyond the Coal Rush and Decarbonising Electricity with Tom Morton.
Tom Morton is at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Germany. He researches climate communication and is an award-winning documentary producer. He has co-authored the book, Beyond the Coal Rush and Decarbonising Electricity with James Goodman.